Jacqui Grantford is a fabulous writer/illustrator from Victoria, Australia. She has 12 published books, 6 of them picture books.
Jacqui is the writer/illustrator of Various Faerious and Shoes News. Her illustrations have brought to life such books as Pemberthy Bear, Wishes for One More Day and A True Person. Her latest book is the delightful Squeezy Cuddle Dangle Legs written by Peter Whitfield.
To view or purchase the gorgeous Squeezy Cuddle Dangle Legs please visit the publisher's website http://www.newfrontier.com.au/home.htm or to read a review please visit the following link at Preschool Entertainment http://www.preschoolentertainment.com/html/index.php?name=News&file=article&sid=792
For more information on Jacqui please visit her website http://www.jacquigrantford.com/
Welcome to my blog, Jacqui. And congratulations on the release of Squeezy Cuddle Dangle Legs. It's just gorgeous, a delight for readers of all ages. I loved it!
This is day three of your blog tour. I hope you're enjoying this new experience.
Having a ball!
1. I assume you've always been interested in drawing/illustrating. Is this true? What is your first memory of Jacqui Grantford, illustrator?
My first memory is at about the age of three. My mother was a violin teacher and used to teach these two gorgeous little old ladies. Whilst one was having her lesson the other would completely indulge me and ask me to draw pictures for her. And then vice versa when they swapped. I loved it and have been drawing ever since.
2. How long have you been illustrating children's books? Why and how did you get started? Did it take you long to get published?
I’ve been illustrating for the last five years. I originally studied music, but my son used to cry every time I played the violin, so I took the hint. I took a single illustration subject at Chisholm and was given an assignment to create a picture book. That was my first book, ’Various Faerious’.
3. You write too. Which do you prefer - illustrating your own books or illustrating other writer's books? When you illustrate other writer's books, do you meet the writer or work with he/she in any way?
Both have different advantages. The advantage of illustrating your own text is that you can modify it as you go and you have a complete vision. Illustrating someone else’s text, however, means that you often get to do something that you wouldn’t normally even think of. ‘Squeezy Cuddle’ is a classic example of this. It’s not the sort of thing I would write, but loved the opportunity to illustrate something different.
4. "Squeezy Cuddle Dangle Legs" is a beautiful book. Can you please tell us a little about your experiences in illustrating this lovely book?
When I first started the book I didn’t realize that Peter, the publisher, had written the text. That in itself made it a unique project.
I often use models for my characters and I took photos of Susan McClain (author of ‘Can I Pat That Dog’) and her son Jasper. The publishers thought Jasper was too old, so that was a little heart breaking for them. I hated telling them that they weren’t going to be in the book. It took quite a while to decide on models and after Peter sent some sample photos of Sophia and their daughter Grace, we realised that they’d be perfect. They flew down from Sydney especially to get photos taken.
It was a great book to draw and I had to focus quite a lot on keeping it simple with minimalist backgrounds. Sometimes that’s harder to do.
5.Some of our blog readers may be interested in getting published as a writer, illustrator or both. Can you please share the 3 most important things you've learnt about the world of publishing children's books to help these people?
‘Fall down seven times, stand up eight’. I heard this quote somewhere and it really sums up the publishing industry. You have to keep trying.
Talk to people in the industry and network. Often they can point you to the sorts of people who will like your work.
Always look for ways to improve or extend your work. Never stay in the comfort zone and constantly look for different angles, shades of colour and technique. (It also makes it more fun.)
Thanks for your time, Jacqui. It's been great being involved in your blog tour and having you stop by. We appreciate you sharing your experiences and knowledge. Hope you enjoy the rest of your tour.
All the best,
To purchase the fabulous Squeezy Cuddle Dangle Legs please click on the following link http://shop.newfrontier.com.au/shop/products/detail.html?Product__product_id=139
Jacqui Grantford's Blog Tour
Day 1 Saturday 10 November - Bren MacDibble's Blog
Day 2 Sunday 11 November - Sally Murphy's Blog
Day 3 Monday 12 November - Robyn Opie's Blog
Day 4 Tuesday 13 November - Pemberthy Bear's Blog
Day 5 Wednesday 14 November - Claire Saxby's Blog
Day 6 Thursday 15 November - Tina Marie Clark's Blog http://web.mac.com/qmsa/Tina_Marie_Clark/e-Diary/e-Diary.html
Day 7 - Fri day 16 November - Sally Odger's Blog